Tuesday, April 3, 2018

How to Change Redfish UserName and Password

Hardware Requirement
S8026, BIOS v1.01, BMC v2.0
Default Username: Administrator, Default Password: superuser

Software Requirement
Postman v6.0.10 for Windows,

Change Username and Password
1.      Install Postman v6.0.10 in Windows 7.
2.      Change Postman SSL Certificate verification setting from “ON” to “OFF”

3.      Login to Redfish
Select Basic Auth in Tool bar. Type Administrator and superuser as username and password,

4.      Type, and then click “Send”. Status will response “200 OK” while connection is successful.

5.      Select “PATCH” in tool bar.

6.      Select “BODY”, then select “RAW”, select “JSON”

7.      Type new username and password. (ex. {“UserName”: “root”, “Password”: “superuser”}

8.      Click “Send” to change UserName and Password. Status will response “204 No Content” while successful.

9.      Use new username and password to re-login Redfish to test.
10.  AC-OFF S8026 for 10 seconds, then AC-ON S8026.
11.  Use new username and password to re-login Redfish to verify.


  1. Thanks for this writeup!

    On step 8, I got error "428 Precondition Required", and it’s mentioned (http://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/DSP0266_1.6.1.html) that you have to add a header with the ETag to be valid.
    So I added a header to the PATCH request with Key=If-Match, and Value=W/"1605106525" (this value should differ per-server and can be found in the response header ETag from previous GET)
    After adding that, I got the "204 No Content" response as expected.

  2. Thanks for your update information.


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