B7102, BOS v1.03.B10, BMC v4.0
CPU: Xeon 6128x2
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Server
GPU: Nvidia Tesla T4 x4
AP: Nvidia
Test Process
Install the Ubuntu Operating System and Nvidia Tesla Driver
1. Install Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS server2. Login as user
3. Download Nvidia 418.40 driver
4. Install Nvidia 418.40 driver local repository
5. add the local repo key
6. Prioritize the local repo over the network repos
8. Update the apt metadata
9. Install Nvidia 418.40 driver
Installing Dcoker and the Docker Utility Engine for Nvidia GPUs
Enabling the Docker Repository
1. Installs the Docker prerequisites2. Adds the Docker official GPG key
Installing the Nvidia Container Runtime for Nvidia GPUs
4. Reload docker
5. Test the Docker install and Nvidia container runtime by pulling the latest official CUDA image
and running nvidia-smi
Setting Up docker Options
1. Edits the contents of /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf.2. Reload the systemd manager configuration.
3. Reload Docker.
Test NGC Sanity
1. extract NGC-Ready-master to Linux
2. type cd /tf to change folder to tf
3. vi lanuch to add red parameters
docker build --network=host --no-cache -t $TESTNAME
docker run --network=host -it --security-opt
docker run --network=host -it --runtime=nvidia
4. type ./launch to execute script
note: this script may take over 8 hours.
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